15th Sunday Ordinary Time

15th Sunday Ordinary Time

Vol. 5 No. 44

Spiritual Gift of the Week
We pray for the grace to model Mary’s love for God.
We pray to love God and to bear the burdens of our neighbors, for the sake of God’s love.

Spiritual Instruction of the Week
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
with all your being, with all your strength,
and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

Dear Beautiful Daughters of Mary,

It was our great pleasure to again welcome Fr. Anthony Wieck, S.J. to Daughters of Mary on Tuesday. We are grateful to him for taking a ‘break’ from his break at Perdido Beach, to offer a clear, well-stated presentation on Luke’s account of the Good Samaritan. As always Fr. Anthony gave us much to contemplate, opening our hearts to many insights and a wonderful discussion.
Tuesday’s meeting was the perfect preface for our upcoming Day of Prayer, which will be led by Fr. Anthony on Saturday, September 10, 2016. This DoM signature event will celebrate our 5th anniversary, which coincides with the Feast of the Nativity of Mary. The theme will be “Intimate Discipleship with Christ through the Lens of Saint Mark.” Please mark you calendars. We look forward to the gifts and graces of spending time with the Lord. We pray to once again benefit from Fr. Anthony’s spiritual insights
Fr. Anthony, thank you for your consistent care and concern—and for your prayerful interpretation of Scripture. Your words motivate and inspire us. We are truly blessed by your willingness to serve Our Lord in through our beautiful women’s ministry. May God continue to bless you.
See you in September! Until then, let us pray…


As we continue this Year of Mercy and our reflection upon mercy of God proved in and through Jesus, the Good Samaritan, let us consider the words of Pope Francis: ‘A little mercy makes the world less cold and more just.

Veni, Spirito Santo, la misericordia di Dio ci salva—
Come Holy Spirit, it is by God’s mercy that we are saved,


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