Vol.5 No.13

Vol.5 No.13

Vol.5 No.13 DoM Gospel Reflection
2nd Sunday/Advent—December 6, 2015
Luke 3: 1-6
By Rev. Norbert Jurek

The Gospel for Sunday is about an extraordinary man, one of the greatest prophets – St. John the Baptist. Jesus himself once said about John: I tell you the truth, among those born of women, no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is.
When John began final preparations for his mission, he was probably thirty two years old. He withdrew into the harsh, rocky desert beyond the Jordan. According to ancient custom of holy man, he fast and prayed. He kept himself alive by eating locusts and wild honey and wore a rough garment of camel’s hair, tied with a leathern girdle.The Holy Spirit really worked in Him so after hearing him, many believed that he was the long awaited Messiah. John put them right, saying that he had come only to prepare the way, and that he was not worthy to unloose the Master’s sandals. John always made it clear that he was merely the Forerunner. He attracted large crowds, and when Christ came to him, John recognized Him as the Son of Man and baptized Him, saying: It is I who need baptism from You.
Being afraid of John’s great influence on people, Herod Antipas had him arrested and imprisoned when John denounced his adulterous marriage with Herodias, wife of his half brother Philip. John was beheaded at the request of Salome, daughter of Herodias, who asked for his head at the instigation of her mother. He not only talked about Kingdom of God but he became a true witness, giving his life and staying faithful to the Word of God.
John’s testimony is very powerful and I think that He not only played a great role in preparing people for Jesus first coming, but also, He can helps us realize how Christ becomes present in our lives today—while we await Our Lord’s return. And that is essential for our real, practical and strong faith, which God awaits. Without strong faith, situated and incarnated into our everyday activities we won’t be able to recognize the coming of the Lord. One of the questions asked by Jesus during His proclaiming the Gospel is: However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?
I want to concentrate especially on one event from St. John Baptist’s life which is very important for discovering God’s method to led us into deeper relationship with Jesus. Andrew, brother of Simon Peter and John, the author of Gospel, were disciples of St. John the Baptist—they were listening to him preaching about the necessity of conversion and repentance. One day when they were with their teacher, John the Baptist stopped talking and seeing Jesus passing by he said: Look, this is the Lamb of God. The two young man left John and followed Christ.
I love this scene because of the humility of the Baptist, who is consequently leading others to follow Jesus. But there is something else that is very important. This moment when John is pointing on Jesus can help us to understand that the gift of faith is passed to us by other people. It may seem obvious but sometimes we don’t spend time enough to become aware that God who became man 2000 years ago is present in our lives today in a very human way. God is using others, those who are witness to us that He is alive and present in the history of the world, in your history and mine.
All of us have people in our lives who help us to recognize Jesus; people who shared with us their faith, who brought us to Church. Other people’s words and actions, if they are authentic, become a testimony, which enables us to experience God, who is not only in heaven, and not only in our mind, but also, He is a real Person, truly present not in the past, but here and now; He is present in His Body—His Holy Church and in every member who was baptized and filled with Holy Spirit; He is present in the Eucharist, in His Word, and in events. God’s way of becoming present in people lives is through other people, through those He chooses. If you want to not only keep your faith but strengthen it, you should spend some time on acknowledging who God used and who He is still using, to become present in your life. Going back to those people and places in your memories and prayers with gratitude and willingness to be faithful to what you have been given, will help you to get trough every distress and trial. Not only that, but it will always be a call for you to be a witness of God’s presence for others, to testify to what He revealed to you and how He allowed you to meet Him.
During this Advent, please spend some time thanking God for people He sends to reveal to you that He really loves you and for all this special times when you realized that He is working in your life. Ask also Holy Spirit to help you be vigilant and alert for all possibilities He is giving you to discover His power, peace and love through others. Thank for the Holy Church in which God is present like nowhere else.

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