The Daughters of Mary St. Ignatius Parish, Mobile, AL
Facilitator: Lynn Clapper – daughtersofmary@stignatius.org
Meeting Location: The Marian Center
Meeting Times: Tuesday Morning/ 9AM or Evening/ 6PM
After 5 years we find our sense of community identity has formed in a way that has deepened our commitment to prayer, to the Church and to one another. We welcome women from all over the diocese.
The Daughters of Mary St. Dominic Parish, Mobile, AL
Facilitator: Brenda Christian – 661-5130, ext. 221 – bchristian@stdominic.org
Meeting Location: The Murphy Center
Meeting Times: Monday morning 9AM or Tuesday Evening 6:30PM
We were the second DoM Chapter established. Our devotion to Mary and love for Scripture continues to inspire our weekly gatherings. We have grown in numbers, but also we are growing spiritually.
The Daughters of Mary Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Mobile, AL
Facilitator: Anna Scott – 251-605-2966 – scottannack@att.net
Meeting Location: Parish Hall
Meeting Times: Tuesday Evenings 6PM
Each week we leave joyful, peaceful and inspired to eagerly share the Truth proclaimed in the Gospel to all we meet. The women have truly embraced being a Daughter of Mary.
The Daughters of Mary Holy Spirit Parish, Montgomery, AL
Facilitator: Terri Mendez – 334-657-6575 terriabemendez@gmail.com
Meeting Location: Holy Spirit School Library
Meeting Times: Wednesday Evenings—5:30PM
Our group is wonderful! Our intimate weekly reflections of the upcoming Sunday readings is always so rich. It enhances our Sunday Mass experience. Please join us.
The Daughters of Mary St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Bridget Parishes, Mobile, Al
Facilitator: Deborah Hayward – 251-457-2807 – proaudio@bellsouth.net
Meeting Location: St. Thomas the Apostle Meeting Room
Meeting Times: Thursday Morning 8:30AM and Thursday Evening 5:30PM
We are still developing our meeting style and are enjoying the blessing of growth. That being said, the study of the Gospels has had a profound effect on our spiritual life and we eagerly look forward to the future.
The Daughters of Mary St. Jude Parish, Dallas Texas
Facilitator – Vanessa Perez – vsperez@yahoo.com
We gather each Wednesday evening in the choir room at 7:55 and begin with a Rosary for our prayer basket of intentions, followed by the Daughters of Mary format. We share insight into the Gospel and this makes our time together spiritually rich and rewarding.
The Daughters of Mary St. Bruno Parish, Whittier, California
Facilitator: Carol Soltero – carol.Soltero@blueshieldca.com
Our small Coeur committee is off to a wonderful start. We are in the beginning stages of formation, but we have already experienced the joy of gathering together as women who seek a deeper life of prayer.
The Daughters of Mary, St. Joseph Parish, Kennewick, Washington
Facilitator: Kathleen Driver – driverkm@msn.com
We established our Coeur group and began meeting on July 28, 2015. Eventually we will introduce the Daughters of Mary to the whole area. I think the time of prayer and reflection will be warmly received by many women in the Tri-Cities.
The Daughters of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Brentwood, California
Facilitator: Kim Wiley – mkwiley5@comcast.net
Meeting Time: Monday night: 7:30PM
We gather to be fed spiritually. We pray, study, and share. Our goal is to form a community through prayer and reflection, and to better understand our faith, that we may gather the energy and confidence to go out and share Gods word!
The Daughters of Mary of St. Thomas by the Sea Parish, Orange Beach, Alabama
Co-Facilitators: Andree Drouilhet & Pat Cesere
Meeting Location: St. Thomas by the Sea Parish Library
Meeting Times: Wednesday at 9:45 am (after 9:00 am Mass)
Our group is a unique mix of parish members and winter visitors. In the sharing of prayers, commentary and discussion around the gospel we find ourselves smiling over our common concerns. We leave feeling comforted and supported by Jesus, by His Church and by His Mother, Mary. As Daughters of Mary we are realizing a wonderful community of sisters in faith.