Spiritual Gift of the Week
Let us pray for the grace to gather round the Eucharistic table often—to eat together, to pray together and to stay together—for we are the family of God. Mary, our Mother, pray for us.
Spiritual Instruction of the Week
Pray and encounter God’s love.
Pray and bring God’s love into family life and into the life of the Church.
Dear Beautiful Daughters of Mary,
We were privileged to host Fr. Leo Patalinghug this week. The tremendous attendance on the part of the Daughters of Mary spoke volumes about our desire to hear Fr. Leo’s distinct and important insight into marriage and family life. Sadly we were not permitted to record or video Fr. Leo.
Fr. Leo’s reflection on this Sunday’s gospel from Mark represented well his “Grace Before Meals” movement. Many of you have responded, expressing your gratitude for Fr. Leo’s joyful, prayerful and profound message. His energy and enthusiasm, his zest for life, and his zeal to strengthen marriage was evident. He is gifted priest—and a gifted speaker. If I may borrow from his terminology:
Fr. Leo’s “plating” of the Good News, made Tuesday morning “delicious” for the Daughters of Mary—Fr. Leo “served” Christ to us—-both at our Mass and meeting—-Christ who “feeds our hungry souls” through his Eucharistic presence, the “feast “of his own life.
Many, many thanks to Cindy Warner. We are deeply grateful to you for putting together this extraordinarily informative, inspirational and entertaining event. You have “served” us well!
Today is the feast of Therese of Lisieux, Saint and Doctor of the Church—let us be inspired by her words:
“Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right; and doing it all for love.”
“…He knows our frailty. He remembers we are only dust.”
“Let us be one with Jesus…May all moments of our life be for Him alone.”
“He who possesses God lacks nothing: God alone suffices.”
Preghiamo—Let us pray