Vol.5 No.15

Vol.5 No.15

Vol.5 No.15 DoM E Message
Spiritual Gift of the Week
During this Advent season, we pray for Mary’s grace—the grace of a Magnificat heart.

Spiritual Instruction of the Week
The Power of Prayer—
By Ben Wasiniak

Dear Beautiful Daughters of Mary,

“Pray, Confess and Change Your Life.”  This was the title of Ben Wasiniak’s Monday evening presentation, sponsored by the Daughters of Mary.   It was for sure an apt description—we met a young man whose story of prayer and confession changed our lives. Perhaps the most important part of Ben’s story was his focus on the power of our prayer.  In Ben’s words:  “It was the power of my mother’s prayer that brought me to conversion.  She never ceased praying for me.  She prayed the rosary daily, she spent time before the Blessed Sacrament, she prayed and God heard her prayers.”  “As wives and mothers—as women—you have hearts for prayer,” he said.  “Women change things, women care.”

We have been, I hope and pray, inspired by the grace of God at work in the life of Ben Wasiniak.   We are for sure grateful to Ben for his words affirming us— who pray to have a salvific impact upon our families and our community.

Mary, our Mother, please pray for us.

Please invite your daughters, mothers, sisters and friends to join Daughters of Mary on Tuesday for our final Advent reflection.  We are encouraged by the Church to enter into the Christmas season with a renewed sense of God’s merciful love.
Let us celebrate together—
Let us pray together—and—
Our dear Lord, in your mercy, help us to bring the joy and hope of Christ’s presence to our families, our friends and to one another.

One other important notice:
Today is Pope Francis’ birthday.  Birthday blessings and prayers of thanksgiving for our dear Holy Father.
See you all Tuesday~

Rendiamo grazie a Dio—Thanks be to God,

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