Vol.5 No.39 DoM Gospel Reflection/ Divine Mercy Sunday—John 20:19-31 April 3, 2016 By Lynn...
Vol.5 No.29 DoM Easter Reflection March 27, 2015——John 20:1-9 By Cindy Warner If...
Vol. 5 No. 28 DoM Gospel Reflection— Palm Sunday and the Lord’s Passion from...
Vol.5 No.27 DoM Gospel Reflection 5th Sunday of Lent—March 13, 2016 John 8:1-11 By...
Vol. 5 No.26 DoM Gospel Reflection- Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 4th Sunday of Lent- March...
Vol.5 No.25 DoM Gospel Reflection Luke 13: 1-9 3rd Sunday of Lent—February 28, 2016...
2nd Sunday of Lent/The Transfiguration—Luke 9:28b-36 February 21, 2016 By Ann Salancy Ecstasy PLUS...
Vol.5 No.23 DoM Gospel Reflection—Luke 4:1—13 1st Sunday of Lent—February 14, 2016 Daughters of...
DoM Gospel Reflection—Luke 5: 1-11 5th Sunday Ordinary Time/ February 7, 2016 by Anne...
Vol.5 No.21 DoM Gospel Reflection – Luke 4:21-31 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 31,...